the uploader_validation.asp page tests for Persits upload component on the webserver
If not found it defaults to the internal file uploader.
then just add this code to do the upload
<% UploadTo = "../../../YourFolder"
Select Case useObj Case "Persits.Upload.1" Count = Uploader.SaveVirtual(UploadTo) For Each File In Uploader.Files
If strFile = "" Then strFile = File.FileName
strFile = strFile & "," & File.FileName
End If Next Case Else ' User the internal file uploader function For Each File In Uploader.Files.Items File.SaveToDisk Server.Mappath(UploadTo) If strFile = "" Then strFile = File.FileName
strFile = strFile & "," & File.FileName
End If
Next End Select
to get the value of a form field use the code below myvar=Uploader.form("YourFormField")