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NVE Content Management System

NVE-CMS is an open source ASP based dynamic content management system that allows you to be in control of your websites look, feel and functionality without being dependant on a website developer.


Multiple design themes to choose from to get the look that you want.


Additional addons that can give your website more functionality.


Additional plugins that can do background functions or design overlays.


Additional content section that can be shown on all or individual pages that are archievable.

Current Available Addons

Ad Banners: allows you to sell advertising banner space on your website.
with 500x65 banners and 150x97 buttons
A Question and Answer addon that allows your users to post questions for you to answer.
Write your blog articles for your users to comment on, supports RSS feed and multiple authors.
Post your company events for website users or company users.
Allow Company Users to have a personal calendar
Setup user groups to assign events to specific groups
Post recurring events by Weekly/Monthly
Shows all Federal Holidays.
Post Paid Events and include Paypal button code.
Classified Ads: Sell classified ad's on your website or just allow users to post them for free, supports pay ads, free ads or both. you can set individual ad categories as free ads. supports PayPal payments. 
Contact List:

Features Public employee contact list and Secure Area contact list, news letters and file downloads.
Post your companies Employee/Client contact information so when they need to get in touch
with someone they have the contact info.
Add Company News Letters and Secure Access Only Files.
Add Guest Accounts for your clients with access privileges to your contacts only or Contacts, 
News Letters and Secure Files download area. Set Company Contacts as Public or Private.

An interactive user forum, supports RSS feed to help you stay current with a particular topic 
Link Exchange: Exchange website links with other partner websites, includes website icon image and click tracking.
Marquee: Add a scrolling message to your website, set the scroll direction, top alignment, background color, text color and marquee text properties. A great addon for advertising or posting messages for your visitors.
Sports League:
This add-on is good for all sports, supports multiple leagues and teams.
Includes a League control panel and individual Teams control panel. 
Photo Album: Lets you show off your Photo's and YouTube videos to you visitors, includes photo title and decription.
Photo Gallery: Unlike Photo Album, Photo Gallery does not support YouTube vidoes. but you can have multiple photo albums and instead of a viewer your photos are posted to the page via 200X200 pixel thumbnails and you can click the thumbnail to view full size photo. also includes photo title and decription just like Photo Album.
Site Search: Let your website visitors search your site pages for content.
Shopper: This is a smaller online store for the website that just wants to sell a few products, set default category,assign items to multiple categories.
(supports Paypal payments and Downloadable File Purchases)
Testimonials: You can post user/client testimonials that fade in as they rotate through the list on your website. Set to show on Left or Right sidebar
  Last Update:Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Current Available Plugins

Christmas: Theme border with message and floating Christmas trees
Christmas Counter: Counts down the shopping days till Christmas
Hanukkah: Theme border with message and floating Menorah's
Thanks Giving: Theme border with message and floating Turkey's
Rate Our Site: Lets your users rate your site from 1 to 5 stars.
RSS Feed: Allows your users to subscribe to a particular page content.
Share Link: Gives you all the popular networking sites.
Right Click: When activated this plugin disables the right mouse click in the web browser
  Last Update:Saturday, August 3, 2013

Photo Gallery

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Recent Questions

  • How do I set text header like this

    My Header

    ? Is there any way to set one of my addon pages as the home page
    ? How can I hide addon menus in the left/right columns without removing them from the master link list
    ? what Upload component do I use when developing my addon
    ? Can I get a link list of all pages in the website for the addon that I am developing

Most Commonly Asked Questions

  • ? what Upload component do I use when developing my addon
    ? Can I get a link list of all pages in the website for the addon that I am developing
    ? Why are the email forms not work on my website
    ? How do I send email from my addon
    ? Embed a script page from an addon into the left/right menu sections under the addon menu.
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updated Tuesday, June 16, 2015