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On Sunday, December 16, 2012 Steve Miller asked
? Can I get a link list of all pages in the website for the addon that I am developing
On Sunday, December 16, 2012 Steve Miller answered
put in the url form field  
title="double click here for website links list" 
Name your url link field [ Link ]
Add This to your  javascript file

function openYourAddonNameWindow(frm)
var jumpToHere;
var winOptions;
var popUpWindow;
var swidth;
var sheight

swidth = 400
sheight = 600
jumpToHere = "../../../administrator/link_list.asp?frm=" + frm
winOptions = "Width=" + swidth + ", height=" + sheight + ",top=0, left=0,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes";
popUpWindow = open(jumpToHere, "MasterLinkList", winOptions);
This will open the master link list and when you click on a link it will copy it to the form field

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    ? Can I get a link list of all pages in the website for the addon that I am developing

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  • ? what Upload component do I use when developing my addon
    ? Can I get a link list of all pages in the website for the addon that I am developing
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    ? Embed a script page from an addon into the left/right menu sections under the addon menu.
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